Our Coaches


“Have you every taken music lessons only to give up out of frustration that you weren’t making any progress? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that, and I want you to know that you are not alone! Here at The Davis Academy of Music, we have classes for students of all ages including Self-Study courses where you can watch videos to learn at your own pace and check in with one of our certified instructors at your own pace!”

- Emily Davis, Co-Founder



Teaching: Piano, Conducting, Worship Band Training, Composition, Songwriting, Film Scoring, Music Theory, Music Business Master Training

DR. CRAIG MICHAEL DAVIS is a multi-instrumentalist with a Doctorate in music from Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music.

Craig enjoys being invited into churches to train worship leaders how to develop a thriving music ministry. His first book: Called to Worship: One Year of Seeking God, released in 2024, is a private devotional aimed at developing Godly worshipers across the nation.

As a composer, Craig enjoys writing for film as well as contemporary bands. As a performer, Craig performs a solo show and with The Craig Michael Davis Ensemble in the United States and in Europe.

Craig lives with his wife Emily, his golden retriever Duke, and toy poodle Hamilton, in Bloomington, Indiana.


Teaching: Voice, Piano, Music Theater Coaching

EMILY DAVIS is a process-driven performer and musician. She holds a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from New York University and a Master of Fine Arts in Acting from Indiana University.

Her passion for teaching started when she was in high school and her piano teacher at the time asked if she’d be willing to teach under her tutelage. She jumped at the chance to have her own students and to help them grow. That was 15 years ago and she has since gone on to teach hundreds of students in New York, across Italy, and beyond. Her passion for sharing music with others extends to educational theater where she often music directs.

The students in her studio frequently win ISSMA gold, score lead roles in musicals at school & in the community, and excel in many areas of vocal performance. She values teaching students practices of excellent vocal health and technique while utilizing contemporary pedagogy to help them sing in any genre - from classical to pop and music theatre. Her love of sharing music with others extends beyond teaching into her performance career on stage as an actor. Most recently she was The Baker’s Wife in Into the Woods at IUST.


Teaching: Voice

GINA LINCOLN holds a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from Indiana University, as well as a Certificate of Vocology (The science and practice of voice habilitation). She teaches singing using tools and strategies developed by Dr. Brian Gill that awakens the face and body for easy, great singing. These tools allow one to practice at home in a way that is reliable and effective.

Gina is a lover of many kinds of music, and believes that a good vocal foundation lends itself to singing any genre! 

Gina enjoys strength training, hiking, cooking, and performing locally in choirs and bands.


Teaching: Piano

Winner of the 2014 Miami Music Festival Piano Competition and the 2015 Jacob Flier International Piano Competition, Japanese pianist Ryo Kaneko is a rising star in the next generation of pianists.

Mr. Kaneko received his undergraduate and Master’s degree from Rice University, where he studied with the internationally acclaimed artist Dr. Robert Roux. Currently, he is pursuing a Doctor of Music at Indiana University under the guidance of Professor Emile Naoumoff.


(DAHN-chee ZEHng)

Teaching: Piano, Violin, and Viola

Born in Guangzhou, China, Danqi Zeng began her violin studies at the age of four. She is an active performer, and experienced violin and piano teacher who has taught a wide age range of students from children to older adults for over 7 years. Her teaching has an emphasis on helping students with building a solid foundation of the violin and piano techniques as well as the ability to express personal emotions in the music while having a fun along the way.

She is currently pursuing her Doctor of Music in Violin Performance at Indiana University and holds a Master of Music from the University of Michigan, and graduated summa cum laude from CCM in Cincinnati with a BM in violin performance.

Joining The Davis Academy of Music, Danqi champions the belief that it’s never too late to learn to play a musical instrument!


Teaching: Guitars

Ty began his obsession with guitar as a teenager, and now, more than 35 years later, he finds it no less gratifying. His focus on guitar technique, chording, and fretboard theory is foundational to his down-to-earth approach to learning.

Ty learned through his career as a visual artist that fun, enthusiasm, and passion shine through in the final art. Similarly, he feels that learning and playing music should be a fun and rewarding experience, because it not only benefits the music but enriches the individual.


Teaching: Violin and Piano

Kyle is a friendly coach, very down to earth, but passionate about encouraging the next generation of musicians. He earned his undergraduate degree in music in Scotland but came back to the states to teach at the Davis Academy of Music.

Kyle is a freelance violinist who graduated from Royal Conservatoire of Scotland studying under Joseph Swensen. He has performed with Royal National Scottish Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and performs in other regional orchestras in Indiana.

When not playing the violin, Kyle enjoys playing Tennis and loves dogs. Kyle likes to shred on the violin while eating Chipotle - though he somehow manages not to spill anything out of the burrito.


Teaching: Piano

EJ is passionate about all things music. She cultivates a relaxed environment in her teaching studio. Her classes are fun, customized and inspiring, for all students both young and old.

EJ holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Michigan State University, but now enjoys living in Bloomington! Make sure to ask what her favorite ice cream flavor is!


Teaching: Voice & Piano

Anita Park is an experienced musician specializing in piano and vocal technique. Her lessons are fun and engaging as she incorporates play into each lesson.

Outside of private lessons, Anita teaches group classes, including: Wiggle & Grow and Kids Sing.

As part of the Davis Academy of Music, Anita is excited to share her passion with both kids and adults. She embodies the belief that it is never too late to learn to play a musical instrument.


Teaching: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Piano, Guitar, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Saxophone(s), Bassoon

Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, Rowan is a music educator, composer, conductor, and multi-instrumentalist based in Bloomington, Indiana.

Rowan currently studies at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Music Composition and Music Education. Additionally, he is pursuing minors in Instrumental Conducting and Higher Education & Student Affairs.

Rowan loves composing his very own music. He is a fun, down-to-earth teacher who loves to inspire his students to find their full potential. A multi-instrumentalist, Rowan is just as comfortable teaching the violin as he is saxophone.

If you’ve been waiting to learn, now is the time: it’s never too late to learn to play a musical instrument!


Teaching: Voice & Piano

Rachel Spodek is an Indiana-based singer and music educator. Although she currently specializes in opera and classical voice, she remains passionate about other genres, especially musical theater. Rachel believes that solid vocal technique is the foundation of all styles of singing.

Rachel holds a Bachelor’s Degree in music from Butler University and a Master of Music in voice from Ball State University. She is currently pursuing her Performer’s Diploma in voice at Indiana University.

When she’s not singing, Rachel can be found spending time with her cats or exploring the many beautiful hiking trails in and around Monroe County.


Teaching: Voice, Piano, & Drum Set

Brynn Jacobs is a rambunctious young whippersnapper who traveled all the way to Bloomington after studying Voice at NYU. She is now at IU Jacobs pursuing a Master’s in Voice and a Certificate of Vocology.

Not only does she sing like nobody’s business, but she can hold a mean beat on the drum set! Originally from Lancaster, PA, Brynn's love for music began in band, choir, and musical theatre. Brynn now brings her fun-loving, down-to-earth energy into her teaching.

Whether you're a singing-in-the-shower musician or an aspiring pop or opera star, Brynn’s vocal techniques will help you shine. When she's not coaching or performing, you’ll likely find her biking around town, collecting plants, or enjoying the local coffee shops!

Brynn is a fun loving, down-to-earth coach who would drink smoothies for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could.


Teaching: Voice, Piano, Guitar & Brass

Elijah is a wonderfully talented musician who holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from St. Olaf’s College. He is equally as comfortable singing, as he is playing the piano, guitar, trumpet, trombone and other brass instruments.

Sign up for a trial lesson with Elijah and you won’t be disappointed. He tolerates toy poodles but is really more of a golden retriever fan at heart (aren’t we all).

Bloomington Piano Lessons.jpg

A Little Bit About…

The Founders:

The Davis Academy of Music was founded in 2016 by Craig and Emily Davis in Bloomington, Indiana. West Coast natives, Craig and Emily fell in love in New York City while they were studying music at New York University. Moving to Bloomington, Indiana to pursue a Doctorate from the Jacobs School of Music, Craig is now on faculty teaching musicology, music theory, composition and music history. Emily holds a Master of Fine Arts in Acting from Indiana University’s Department of Theatre and Drama.

The Davis Academy of Music:

Combining their love for music, Craig and Emily founded The Davis Academy of Music in 2016 in Bloomington, Indiana. Emily focus on teaching voice, beginning piano, and music theatre, while Craig complements her role by focusing on intermediate and advanced piano, guitar, theory, composition, conducting, drums, strings, and beginning woodwinds.

Together Craig and Emily work to equip the next generation of musicians by challenging students to think critically and express themselves through the arts. The Davis Academy of Music often collaborates with painters, dancers, videographers and other artists to create memorable works that help students grow create new art in a challenging environment.

About our Curriculum:

Here at The Davis Academy of Music, we partner with the Royal Conservatory of Music in London for our piano curriculum, wherein we use RCM materials to tailor a specific program for each student, assessing their skills, and placing them on a level (P through 10). This level system has proved to be very valuable as it provides a structure for students and parents to observe growth. Each student is given a set of books including: sight reading, theory, repertoire, and others, to work from to accomplish weekly goals that culminate at the end of each semester with a studio wide recital (one in December, and one in May). At the end of the academic year, students are eligible to take the RCM test to receive a level certification, then pass on to the next level for the new year. Our program follows the academic year in that students generally spend 1 full year on each "level," before becoming certified.

When Craig and Emily are not teaching or performing, they enjoy spending their time leading worship and serving at High Rock Church.

Davis Keyboard Orchestration Charts

Never forget the range or transposition of any instrument ever again!